Discover Agriculture Agriculture Nano Urea Liquid, Eco-Friendly Fertilizer – IFFCO

Nano Urea Liquid, Eco-Friendly Fertilizer – IFFCO

Nano Urea

Nano Fertilizer in Agriculture

Nano Urea IFFCO particles are very effective because of their size and more per unit surface area, compared to urea prills or granules. When nano-urea is sprayed on the leaves it easily gets absorbed into the plant system directly and through stomata.

Nano urea on entering into the leaves is distributed to other plant parts through phloem translocation. And metabolically assimilated as proteins, amino acids, etcetera as per the plant need.

About Nano Urea

The world’s largest farmers fertilizer cooperative, Indian farmers fertilizer cooperative limited has been in the service of Indian farmers. For more than five decades with a firm resolve to improve soil fertility and crop production, for better Indian agriculture.

IFFCO has humbly taken concrete steps for the benefit of farmers, with respect to their agricultural, social, and economic growth and development. Continuous increase in global population and food demand, with a lesser environmental footprint, has become a major concern all over the world.

In this light, the introduction of innovative and novel Agri inputs can solve both these problems in a sustainable way. IFFCO being a farmers cooperative has understood this problem and indigenously manufactured globally patented proprietary products. Nano urea IFFCO, which is a nanotechnology-based product, was developed for the first time in the world at the IFFCO nanobiotechnology research center, in Gujarat.

The Aim of the development of nano urea IFFCO are:

  • Develop the most advanced nitrogenous fertilizer having better use efficiency.
  • Reduce the imbalanced and indiscriminate application of urea.
  • Increase crop productivity and, Reduce soil water and air pollution with precision and balanced application.
  • Nano urea stored in plant cell vacuole is released slowly in a controlled manner, as per the plant’s need during its entire growth cycle. For a better result, a half-liter bottle of nano urea
  • has to be sprayed two times at critical growth stages of the crop.

When crop nutrient requirement is more, such as at the initial growth stage and at the pre-flowering stage.

Major Characteristics:

  • Nano urea prepared by nanotechnology contains nanoscale particles of Nano Urea.
  • The average physical size of Nano Urea particles is in the range of 20-50 nm.
  • Urea contains 4 % nitrogen by weight in its nano form.
  • Nitrogen present in Nano Urea effectively meets the crop nitrogen requirement.
  • It has better use efficiency than conventional urea.
  • Is suitable for application as a source of nitrogen for most of the crops/plants

Nano Urea IFFCO

Benefits of IFFCO  Urea

Reduces the requirement of conventional Urea by 50% or more required less and produces more: Efficacy of one bottle of Nano Urea (500 mL) is equivalent to one bag of urea.
The environment-friendly product can improve Soil, Air & Water quality thus helps in addressing the concerns of Global Warming and in meeting the UN SDGs.
Cheaper than conventional urea.
Reduce input costs to farmers, leads to an increase in farmers’ income.
Improves crop productivity, soil health, and nutritional quality of produce.


Additionally, IFFCO nano urea has many more incremental benefits, it is cost-effective and available to farmers at a 10 percent lower cost than a bag of urea. And it can be used in dryland agriculture and for protected cultivation. IFFCO nano urea can provide benefit to the government of India in terms of saving thousands of crores of subsidy.

Crop efficacy test results of nano nitrogen by the Indian council of agriculture research, ICAR, and state agriculture universities. SAUS indicates that IFFCO nano urea can potentially provide an additional income of about 2000 rupees per acre to the farmer. Achieved and incremental benefits of nano urea will certainly result in enhancing farmer’s income and assure additional revenue to our country.

Through the reduction in subsidy outgo and expenditure on account of foreign exchange spent on fertilizer imports. IFFCO nano-urea aims and fulfills the dream of the country to provide innovative and indigenous Agri products. And solutions to challenges being faced by Indian agriculture and the farmers of the country.

It effectively compliments as well as boosts the vision of Atma Nirbar Krishi and Atma Nirbar Bharat, in the quest to reach the unreached.


Most frequent questions and answers

Nano Urea (Liquid) is a wellspring of nitrogen which is a significant fundamental supplement needed for the legitimate development and advancement of a plant. Nitrogen is a critical constituent of amino acids, catalysts, hereditary materials, photosynthetic colors, and energy move compounds in a plant.

Area compared to urea prills or granules. When nano urea is sprayed on the leaves. It easily gets absorbed into the plant system directly.

World’s First Nano Urea Introduced by IFFCO in India for the Farmers Across the World. It’s a Sustainable solution for plant nutrition with a huge impact on the quality of underground water. A critical decrease of an Earth-wide temperature boost with a positive effect on environmental change.

Urea is completely soluble in water. Its maximum solubility is 30kg of Urea/100 liters of water. When urea is mixed with water this creates a cold (endothermic) reaction.

A nano-fertilizer refers to a product in a nanometer regime that delivers nutrients to crops.

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