Discover Agriculture Agriculture SANDALWOOD FARMING: Sandalwood Tree Cultivation

SANDALWOOD FARMING: Sandalwood Tree Cultivation

Sandalwood Tree

The Sandalwood tree is also known as the Santalum album. The most costly wood on the planet could be sandalwood trees. The best sandalwood assortment can bring a cost of up to Rs 10,000 for each kg. The deal and preparation of sandalwood are completely leveled out of the public authority.

Where Sandalwood Trees Can be Found?

Sandalwood is a tree of extraordinariness, which is rarely available in many nations on the planet. It has a special spot among trees in light of its scent and brilliant tint. In spite of the fact, that fills in numerous pieces of the country.

The one that fills in Karnataka is a standout amongst other qualities. In this manner, Karnataka is otherwise called the Land of Sandalwood. Karnataka state I the place that is known for the country. sandalwood can be developed in any dirt and environment. This tree fills in the uneven just as plain districts.

Sandalwood is generally developed in India and Australia. Normal sandalwood trees can be found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh in India.

In Kerala, sandal trees are filling in the common territory in a zone of 63 square kilometers at Marayur in the Idukki region. 211 backwoods watches are named for the insurance of these sandalwood trees. Numerous instances of sandalwood pirating are accounted for from here consistently. Sandalwood trees are ensured by law.

An earlier consent ought to be looked for from the public authority to cut the trees from the ensured woodland zone or eco-touchy zones. In any event, when sandalwood is cut from private property, government authorization is required.

Cultivating Technique

Around 7-8 months old saplings that have grown up to a tallness of one foot are planted for development. The ideal pH estimation of soil is somewhere in the range of 6.5 and 7.5. Burrow openings have 1.5 feet in length, width, and profundity leaving a distance of 3 meters between them. Fill the openings with cow manure powder and soil prior to planting the saplings. Sandalwood trees require just a moderate water system. An excess of watering will die the plant.

The tree roots need the presence of different plants a good ways off of 1.5 to 2 meters to effectively ingest supplements from the dirt. The roots retain supplements somewhat from the foundations of different plants. In normal natural surroundings, weeds like mimosa will help the development of sandalwood trees.

In any case, just a predetermined number of weeds ought to be permitted in the underlying period of cultivating. After a fair development of 7-8 years, the tree will begin growing one kg each year. The bark will be shaped when the tree turns 15 years of age.

At the point when it is completely developed, the tree will have a length of 13-16 meters and a distance across of 1-2 meters. No substance pesticides or manures are utilized. The trees are typically removed instead of being slashed off, in light of the fact that even its foundations get an excessive cost by their weight.

sandalwood tree

Employments in Sandalwood Tree Farming:

Sandal-wood is utilized in making aromas, cleansers, and drugs. The craftsmanship and carvings of sandalwood have a ton of interest in the worldwide market. Fragrant is inescapable in the preparation of incense sticks. So the interest in wood has been rising.

Soil Requirement for Cultivation :

Shoe trees can be filled in a wide range of soil aside from damp land. It needs in any event 15 to 20 years to create sandalwood from the tree. A tree might be cut subsequent to achieving a size of 2.5 to 3 feet at the chest stature of the tree. The heartwood begins creating following 7 years. A tree that has an outline of 2.5 feet at the chest stature gives shoe heartwood of around 75 to 80 kgs.

Inter-crop system in Cultivation:

It isn’t important to sit tight for quite a while forgets back from the shoe tree. Ranchers may develop this as a halfway yield among rural, woodland, and plant crops.

Pick papaya, beans or vegetables, sapota, pigeon peas, or speedy stick as revolution crops in sandalwood ranches for supplement absorption. The benefit might be acquired from those yields each year. Further, the cost of sandal-wood seeds is raising and benefits might be acquired out of seeds also.

Security :

Securing shoe trees is more diligent than developing them. Be that as it may, a few techniques are being embraced for the security of shoe trees. strategies like building high compound dividers around the land where shoe trees are developed or developing supports in general, setting up a sun-based electrified barrier, fixing steel cross-sections to the shoe trees and manors.


Most frequent questions and answers

The sandalwood tree takes 15 years to grow, but at the same time, returns are also very high.

Before starting a plantation, land preparation is needed without soil weed and the water in heavy rain or floods are easy flows out from the drain. The sandalwood cultivation process can be done in 2 ways: seeds and vegetative/tissue culture.

The cost ranges from Rs. 12000 to Rs. 16000 per kg that is, even in Khadhi shops and govt stores.

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