Discover Agriculture Gardening Ring Pit Method in Super Napier Grass

Ring Pit Method in Super Napier Grass

Ring pit method

If you are thinking about livestock farming, which is one of the most profitable agricultural businesses, then this video may helpful for success. Of course, animal farming needs a huge amount of feed. Buying feeds commercially, requires a large investment in some cases. Then what’s the best way to reduce expenses and save money? Watch this video till the end for a better understanding.

Pit method

A new method of sugarcane cultivation is called the pit method or ring pit method, which is cost-effective and at the same time helps farmers get a higher yield and is slowly catching on. Several farm trials have proved that by adopting this method, the yield can be increased two or three times compared to the normal row-to-row planting technique. All the shoots are of the same age, so there is uniform growth.

The same method we discovered for growing Super Napier grass. This is one type of green fodder.

What is Green fodder?

Green fodder is actually any type of feed that is made from green crops like legume crops, cereal crops, grass crops, or even tree-based crops.

Ring Pit Method

Pit method of green grass

Here about 10 single budded setts were used for planting fodder. These setts were collected from the eight-month-old plants. Generally, 16 double budded or 32 single budded setts were used for planting. We are showing it for demo purposes. Now dig a small pit and plant the shoots in a circle and cross shape.

In the next step cover all the buds with some soil and water them. This is a quick-growing plant; Therefore germination can be found within a few days of planting. If you’re thinking of growing plants on a large scale; Due to the equal spacing maintained on all the sides, the plants grew steadily and the nutrition supplied through drip fertigation reduced the crop duration.

Benefits of green fodder crops

  • The main and major objective of green fodder production is that ‘it reduces the feeding costs’.
  • Provides a natural way of nutrients for the animals and plays a major role in livestock health and overall growth.
  • Green fodder production and maintenance costs are relatively low.
  • Sufficient space between the clumps and row to row allows for sufficient light and air circulation, which is important for the good growth of the crop.

How to make Livestock farming more Profitable?

Green fodder production is very important for raising livestock animals. This type of fodder provides the required nutrients for milk production and also the health of dairy animals. This is one of the ways to reduce commercial feed. Green fodder production is useful for various livestock like; Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and poultry farming.
Green fodder production on your own land will not only save money but also will help to keep your animals healthy and productive.

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Sugarcane Propping, Tying, Wrapping, Detrashing

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