Discover Agriculture Farming Vertical Saffron Farming | Hydroponic Saffron Cultivation

Vertical Saffron Farming | Hydroponic Saffron Cultivation

Indoor Hydroponic Saffron Cultivation

Beginning of autumn: During the first days of autumn, gradually decrease the temperature by 1°C a day until an optimum of 20°C is reached. gradually enter sunlight to reach 800 lux during the day. CO2 levels must be increased gradually during this first week of adjustment until they reach 2000 ppm. humidity must be increased to 70%.

These parameters must be kept for the next three weeks. Recap: 20°C day/17°C night, CO2: 2000ppm, night and day, 70% RH.

During these crucial first 3 weeks, bulbs will start sprouting. The flower stalks will emerge from the bulb using the nutrients accumulated. After 3 weeks stalks should reach an average height of 3/4 cm.

Upcoming week, all levels must be changed to treat the bulbs with a cold shock. This will improve flowering. shock doesn’t mean a sudden change of temperatures. all temperatures and other values must be gradually adjusted to mimic a natural process.

Temperatures must be gradually brought from 20C/during the day to 12C/ during the day. from 17C/ during the day to 10C/ during the night. CO2 levels must drop from 2000ppm to 700ppm. RH increased to 85%.

We will keep the bulbs at these levels for a week. After that we must increase temperatures a little bit, bringing them back to 17C (day) and 14C (night). CO2: 700 ppm, 1000 lux. flowers should reach maturity in the upcoming 2 weeks and are ready for harvesting.

Snap the flower stalk, collect it in an open basket lined with cloth. process the flowers according to instructions. The bulbs, at this point, are ready for vegetating in open soil. make sure to give plenty of nutrients (mature cow dong, humic acid, Acadian) to ensure propagation and growing of the bulbs for the next crops the next year.

Find information about weather dating back to the last ten years in your region to time perfectly without stressing the bulbs and yourself (very important). 100 x 200 cm for light and exhaust. I need some specs on the CO2 enricher and humidifier conditioner.

Processing and drying of Saffron

Commercial saffron is the dried stigma of the saffron plant. The bitter and special taste of saffron is due to the presence of picrocrocin. The source of production is the most important combination of saffron fragrance, namely safranal. The color of saffron dye is carotenoid soluble in water crocin. For long-term storage of saffron, fresh saffron stigmas must be dried. The drying method has a great impact on the quality of saffron. Four different methods of drying saffron were examined.

Saffron stigmas in four traditional ways in Iran:

The use of electric ovens at four different temperatures, the use of infrared MJ at six different temperatures, and the use
of dried microwaves at three different powers. Spectrophotometry was used to quantitatively measure the amount of crocin, picrocrocin, and safranal compounds in the dried samples. The results showed that the dried samples had higher levels of safranal at higher temperatures. Also, dried samples at 90-80 ° C had the highest amounts of crocin. At temperatures above 90 ° C due to heat degradation and at low temperatures due to enzymatic degradation of pigments, the amount of crocin in the samples was lower. Among the methods that were studied. 

By Dr. Ardalan Ghilavizadeh

+98 935 825 3945 

(Agricultural consultant)

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3 thought on “Vertical Saffron Farming | Hydroponic Saffron Cultivation”

  1. Good basic information on indoor cultivation. please provide which equipment is best for drying the 1 kg saffron. Please share the Fertilizers and Nutrient details and their administration management. What is the preventive and curative treatment for various diseases for indoor cultivation.
    Thanks & Regards
    Vipul Garg
    Navi Mumbai, India
    Mob. 9435718230

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