Integrated Biofloc Fish and Vermicompost Farming Business

Biofloc Fish and Vermicompost

Biofloc (Fish) and Vermicompost Farming Together

Integrated Fish and Vermicompost Farming is one of the best examples of mixed farming. Vermicompost organic fertilizer production has now become a major component of agri-business models across the world with a very low initial investment.

The technology involves a combination of fish polyculture integrated with crop or livestock production. On-farm waste recycling, an important component of integrated fish farming is highly advantageous to the farmers as it improves the economy of production and decreases the adverse environmental impact of farming.

How to Start Integrated Fish and Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer Production Business?

Vermicompost is the product or process of composting utilizing various species of worms to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast.

Integrated fish farming refers to the simultaneous culture of fish or shellfish along with other culture systems. Here we can consider integrated fish and vermicompost. It may also be defined as the sequential linkage between two or more culture practices.

Generally, integrated farming means the production or culture of two or more farming practices but when fish becomes its major component it is called integrated fish farming. Fish culture can be integrated with several systems for efficient resource utilization.

The integration of aquaculture with livestock or crop farming provides quality protein food, resource utilization, recycling of farm waste, employment generation, and economic development. Integrated fish farming is well-developed system practice in China followed by Hungary, Germany, and Malaysia.

India, is organic-based and derives inputs from agriculture and animal husbandry. Integrated fish farming is accepted as a sustainable form of aquaculture. For integration, we can use recycled effluents from agro-based industries as well as food processing plants.

integrated fish and vermicompost

Integrated fish farming serves as a model of sustainable food production by following certain principles:

The waste products of one biological system serve as nutrients for a second biological system.
The integration of fish and plants results in a polyculture that increases diversity and yields multiple products.
Water is re-used through biological filtration and recirculation.
Local food production provides access to healthy foods and enhances the local economy.

Why Vermicomposting is Important?

There is an increasing demand for vermicompost across the globe due to awareness of multiple advantages and vermicomposting provides the nutrients and growth-enhancing hormones necessary for plant growth. The fruits, flowers, and vegetable plants are grown using vermicompost are reported to have better keeping quality.

Generally, earthworms not only convert the garbage into valuable manure but also keep the environment healthy. This means we are earning from the garbage. To produce organic manure of exceptional quality for the organically starved soil is the main objective of the vermicomposting project.

Agricultural wastes mean wastes from dairy and animal farms are dumped into places resulting in a foul mess. They are not only utilized efficiently but also help to make a value-added product by vermicomposting.

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