Integrated Circular Pyramid Farming (ICPF)
ICPF is a combination of raising hens, fishes, and plants in Hydroponics by Agritech Startup Beegle Agritech Bangalore.
This Integrated Farming method helps farmers in becoming economically stable by diversifying their source of income, optimizing water, land, and labor, reducing the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and plant protection chemicals, and increasing the productivity of the farm that ultimately ensures farmers can earn profit as well as keep the environment sustained.

How Does ICPF Work?
ICPF tries to imitate nature’s principle, where varied types of plants, birds, and fish, and other aquatic flora and fauna are integrated for production. These are combined in such a proportion and pattern that each element helps the other; the waste of one is recycled as a resource for the other through LEISA techniques (Low External Input Supply Agriculture).
Hens are placed on top of the pyramid, which leaves its waste straight into the fish tank, which helps in the production of zooplanktons and phytoplankton’s hence feeding fishes. The solid waste of fish and hen gets into the biofilter, where ammonia waste gets converted into nitrates.
This nitrate-rich water now passes in the hydroponics system nourishing plants; in return plants, roots purify the water and return back into the fish tank which creates a re-circulatory system.
All these three activities do not happen in three different areas, but, one above the other in the same system in a continuous loop. The only thing that you need to do is just feed the hens. This symbiotic integration ensures that zero bio waste and effective utilization of farm resources.
This method was developed by Beegle Agritech in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom, and has successfully completed the pilot project in Hesaragatta, Bangalore.
This method demands no-tillage saves farmers’ investment in tractors and heavy machinery. No major cost for feeding fish and fertilizers for plants, no weeding required, and a chance of pest and disease is lesser and thus saves major input costs. It also results in fewer labor requirements and redeems its cost too. Requires less space, hence unlocks increased productivity. So what is all this cost saved? Ultimately, isn’t this saved cost your earned money? Yes, this is where your investments get a cover.
The income from all three activities not only makes good of the costs but also provides additional returns for the farmer.
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Whatsapp: +91 9110685736
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Hi, glad to know that there is another way of farming where a farmer can earn not only on plants and fish but also chickens. Is this system can also be set up in an open field instead in a green house.
I need to find founds to replicated here in Abidjan