Discover Agriculture Farming Dwarf Coconut Tree Farming | Hybrid Coconuts

Dwarf Coconut Tree Farming | Hybrid Coconuts

Dwarf Coconuts

Dwarf Coconut palms, as the name suggests, are little in height. They ordinarily don’t surpass 30 feet and regularly top out at around 16 feet in tallness. They have a more limited life expectancy than tall assortments, with a future of somewhere in the range of 40 and 50 years.

Coconut Varieties

Two unmistakable assortments of coconut are accessible here. The tall cultivars that are broadly developed are the West Coast Tall and East Coast Tall. The bantam assortment is more limited in height and its life expectancy is short when contrasted with the tall.

  • Tall Varieties
  • Bantam Varieties
  • Crossover Varieties
  • Tall Varieties

Tall Coconut Varieties Attributes :

  • Extensive palm living by and large to a period of around 80 to 90 years.
  • Palms flourish well under various soil conditions differing from littoral sands to red topsoil and laterites.
  • Palms develop well up to an elevation of 3,000 ft. over the ocean level. It is genuinely impervious to infections and nuisances.
  • The tree accomplishes tallness of about 15m to 18m or more.
  • It starts to bear in around 8 to 10 years subsequent to planting.

The nut is medium to enormous in size-changing fit as a fiddle from spheroid to direct elongated and with colors differing from green, yellow, and orange to shades of earthy colored. Around 6,000 nuts yield a huge load of copra.

Tall Varieties List :

  • West coast tall
  • East coast tall
  • Chandrakalpa or Lakshadweep conventional (LCT)
  • Philippines Ordinary (Kerachandra)
  • VPM – 3 (Andaman Ordinary)
  • Aliyar Nagar 1
  • Tiptur Tall
  • Kera sagara (Seychelles)

Appropriate assortments for Tamil Nadu: West Coast Tall, Chandrakalpa or Lakshadweep common (LCT), VPM – 3 (Andaman Ordinary), East coast tall, Aliyar Nagar 1, Kera Chandra (Philippines Ordinary)

Reasonable Varieties for Kerala: West coast tall, Chandrakalpa or Lakshadweep customary (LCT), Philippines Ordinary (Kerachandra), VPM – 3 (Andaman Ordinary), Kera Sagara (Seychelles)

Reasonable assortments for Karnataka: West Coast Tall, Tiptur Tall (TPT), Chandrakalpa or Lakshadweep common (LCT), VPM – 3 (Andaman Ordinary), Kera Chandra (Philippines Ordinary)

Bantam Varieties

Bantam coconut palms bloom as right on time as the third year subsequent to planting and come to standard bearing in the 10th year.

Characteristics (bantam ) :

  • The bantam coconut is little in height (5-7 m) and starts bearing sooner than the tall assortment.
  • The normal life expectancy is 40-50 years.
  • The diminutive person or diminutive assortment which creating green, orange, and yellow nuts.
  • Defenseless to a dry spell.
  • Nuts are little in size and ovoid or round fit as a fiddle.
  • Nut weighs around 3 oz. (85 gm) with 65 percent oil content.
dwarf coconut plants

Dwarf Coconut Varieties List :

  1. Chowghat Orange Dwarf (COD)
  2. Chowghat Green Dwarf (CGD)
  3. Appropriate assortments for Tamil Nadu: Chowghat Orange Dwarf (COD), Chowghat Green Dwarf (CGD)
  4. Reasonable Varieties for Kerala: Chowghat Orange Dwarf (COD), Chowghat Green Dwarf (CGD)
  5. Reasonable assortments for Karnataka: Chowghat Orange Dwarf (COD)

Hybrid Dwarf coconut varieties

Half breeds are the inter varietal crosses of two morphological types of coconut. They show earliness in blossoming and give expanded yield, higher amount, and better nature of copra and oil when contrasted with the guardians.

At the point when the tall is utilized as female, they are called T*D crossover while the complementary is known as D*T half breed. Half and halves perform well under great administration conditions including supplement the executives and water system.

Qualities of Hybrid Varieties :

  • Crossovers are the inter varietal crosses between the two morphological types of coconut.
  • They display earliness in blossoming, expanded nut yield, higher copra creation, and give better quality copra and oil when contrasted with the guardians.
  • Crossovers are created in two ways, with tall as female parent and midget as male parent (Tall x Dwarf) or smaller person as the female parent and tall as male parent (Dwarf x Tall).
  • Other than inter varietal half breeds like Tall x Tall and Dwarf x Dwarf are additionally delivered.

How To Grow Dwarf Coconut From Seed

Hybrid Varieties :

  1. Kerasankara (WCT x COD)
  2. Chandrasankara (COD x WCT)
  3. Chandralaksha (LCT x COD)
  4. Keraganga (WCT x GBGD)
  5. Lakshaganga (LCT x GBGD)
  6. Anandaganga (ADOT x GBGD)
  7. Kerasree (WCT x MYD)
  8. Kerasoubhagya (WCT x SSAT)
  9. VHC 1 (ECT x MGD)
  10. VHC 2 (ECT x MYD)
  11. VHC 3 (ECT x MOD)

Dwarf Coconut Varieties in Tamil Nadu: Kerasankara (WCT x COD), Chandrasankara (COD x WCT), Kerasoubhagya (WCT x SSAT), VHC 1(ECT x MGD), VHC 2(ECT x MYD), VHC 3(ECT x MOD).

Appropriate varieties for Kerala: Kerasankara(WCT x COD), Chandrasankara (COD x WCT), Chandralaksha(LCT x COD), Keraganga (WCT x GBGD), Lakshaganga (LCT x GBGD), Anandaganga(ADOT x GBGD), Kerasree (WCT x MYD), Kerasoubhagya (WCT x SSAT).

Different variieties in Karnataka: Kerasankara (WCT x COD), Chandrasankara (COD x WCT), Chandralaksha (LCT x COD), Kerasoubhagya (WCT x SSAT).


Division:   Phanerogams

Subdivision:   Angiosperms

Class:   Monocotyledons

Arrangement:   Calycieae

Request:   Arecales

Family:   Arecaceae

Family:   Cocos

Species:   Nucifera (L)

dwarf coconut

The Roots

Palm has extrinsic roots persistently created from the base of the storage compartment, which is the swollen part or what is named ‘bole’, in tall sorts and some bantam half and halves.

Dwarf coconut has no taproot or root hairs except for has loads of essential roots which bear huge amounts of rootlets. The principle uncovers develop fairly on a level plane from the bole and is generally found inside the dirt. The fundamental branches become further and may stretch out horizontally to as much as 10 m.

Roots, having no cambium, are recognizably uniform – the fundamental roots arriving at the greatest width of around 1 cm. The root tip is the effectively developing locale and behind it is the engrossing zone whose epidermis is a solitary layer of slender walled cells that continuously thicken and get impenetrable with age.


The stem is called a Trunk. It is unbranched, erect, heavy, and barrel-shaped. The leaf base circles the stem as they have scars with a pit mark on the storage compartment.

Scars are useful in deciding the age of the tree. Because of these 12 to 14 scars, the age can be registered for a year. Initial not many years there is expanded development in the thickness of the stem.

Size stays uniform for various years lastly tightens in development when the tree becomes extremely old. The storage compartment conveys a major crown with enormous estimated leaves and lots of organic products.


The leaves are packed together at the highest point of the storage compartment as a crown. It requires five months for the total improvement of a leaf from the hour of commencement to its total development. Every pamphlet is long, straight, has a solid mid-rib with slender lamina and equal venation.


Dwarf coconuts require 34 months for the flower to create from the commencement to the launch of the spathe. The pivot of the inflorescence is fanned, with the branches bearing sessile blossoms, both staminate and pistillate. The palm is monoecious with male and female blossoms on a similar plant Staminate blossoms are little, various, and are masterminded intently on the optional parts of the flower.


Fruits / Organic products set and create to development in around a year, or under 1 year for some bantam cultivars. A check of the pack and organic product set can give a sensible gauge of yield.

The natural product is a drupe, having three districts and one cultivated .outwardly is the husk. Inside the endocarp, delicate white endosperm encasing inside a major hole loaded up with extra cell liquid called “coconut milk.” The slim seed coat and afterward the white substance or copra. Both the copra and the milk are the endosperm of this seed.

At first, the milk is genuinely sweet and the copra is slim, however as the seed develops, the fluid is changed over into strong endosperm wealthy in oil. 


Most frequent questions and answers

The average height described here is the height of a fully grown plant or tree. Leaf color is yellow, For example, Yellow Dwarf.

Normally dwarf coconut trees grow 20 to 60 feet. Because they are typically shorter-stemmed than tall variety coconuts.

The trick to growing a dwarf coconut tree is to keep the coconut well-watered during germination.

Coconut palms produce their first fruit within six to ten years.

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