In India, the farming area has been overwhelmed for the past more than 40 years by Green Revolution. Green Revolution (ZBNF) has impacted the economy by expanding farming creation and profitability.

Presently days utilizing ordinary methods in agribusiness resembles disease to our dirt and wellbeing also. It doesn’t just make the dirt desolate, however, at last, the rancher goes under obligation. A progressive effect of green upheaval or present-day rural strategies that split away from the old and obsolete customary practices.

The word ‘financial plan’ alludes to credit and costs, accordingly the expression ‘Zero Budget’ signifies without utilizing any credit, and without spending any cash on bought inputs.

‘Regular cultivating’ signifies cultivating with Nature and without synthetic compounds.

Masanobu Fukuoka is considered the father of advanced common cultivating. Masanobu Fukuoka in his book, One-straw Revolution demonstrates four essential standards of common cultivating:

  • No plough
  • No synthetic manures
  • No weeding
  • No plant security

Yoshikazu Kawaguchi is considered the originator of second-era regular cultivating. In the narrative of Final Straw: Food, Earth, Happiness, he repeats the guiding principle of normal cultivating as:

  • Try not to furrow the fields
  • Weeds and bugs are not your foes
  • There is no compelling reason to add manures
  • Change the nourishments you become dependent on your nearby environment and conditions


Indian agriculturist SUBASH PALEKAR is the maker of the ‘Zero Budget Natural Farming’ or ‘ZBNF’ model in India. He considered it as ‘Krishi ka Rishi’.


His model kills the expense of manures, pesticides, and seeds. Hence he named it ZERO BUDGET NATURAL FARMING. He has faith in a strategy for development that utilizes previously existing supplements in the dirt, for example, phosphate, potash, zinc, and calcium accessible in absorbable structure to the plants.

In Zero Budget Natural Farming, nothing must be bought from an external perspective. Everything needed for the development of the plant is accessible around the root zone of the plants. 98 to 98.5% of supplements are taken from the air, water, and sunlight-based energy. The remaining 1.5% supplements taken from the dirt are likewise accessible liberated from cost as it is taken from the prosperous soil which is enhanced with these supplements.

Why we don’t need any composts, pesticides, herbicides in ZBNF?

Bhumi Annapurna: This Means soil is rich with all supplements for plants to develop. Plants don’t vie for the food with weeds. They coincide and live in advantageous interactions. Normal nuisance controls as corresponding harvests and Asthras will help.

  1. Beejamrut Preparation.
  2. 5kg Cow excrement + 5L cow pee + 20L water.
  3. Doused for 12 hrs.
  4. Crush in the water tub.
  5. Fit to be added to the seeds.
  6. Mix well.
  7. Add 50gm lime water with cow urine.

Role Of Beejamrut

Normally happening gainful microorganisms are found in cow dung. These microorganisms are refined as beejamrut and applied to the seeds as inoculum. It is accounted for that seed treatment with beejamrut shields the harvest from destructive soil-borne microorganisms and furthermore supportive in delivering IAA and GA3.

Step By Step Guide  To Prepare Jiwamrita

  1. Take 200-liter water in a barrel.
  2. Take 10 Kg Local Cow Dung and 5 to 10-liter cow pee and add it to the water.
  3. At that point add 2 Kg Jaggery, 2 Kg Pulses flour, and modest bunch soil from the bund.
  4. At that point mix the arrangement well and save it to mature for 48 hours in the shadow.
  5. Presently Jiwamrita is prepared for application.
  6. Apply the Jiwamrita to the yields with every Irrigation water OR straightforwardly to the harvests.
  7. Shower 10% sifted Jiwamrita on the yields.


  • Soil Mulch
  • Straw Much
  • Live Mulch

Yield deposits and other plant byproducts (Straw, leaves, corn, and sawdust) are generally utilized as mulch. The water will enter the dirt effectively when keeping up at a satisfactory level. These materials bring about expanded water content and decreased vanishing.


A living mulch is a cover crop interplant or undersown with a principle harvest, and expected to fill the needs of a mulch, for example, weed concealment and guideline of soil temperature.


  • It is important to make the microclimate under which miniature life forms can well create.
  • It moderates the moistness of the dirt cools it and secures its miniature life forms.
  • Mulching advances humus development stifles weeds and keeps up the water prerequisite of harvests.

Whapasa – Soil Moisture

Whapasa is the condition where there are both air atoms and water particles present in the dirt and it energizes diminishing water system, flooding just around early afternoon and in substitute wrinkles is followed. In basic, Whapasa implies the combination of half air and 50 % water fumes in the cavities between two soil particles.

Different Production Practices in ZBNF :

1) Crop Rotation:

  • Yield turn implies having times where the richness of the dirt is being developed and times where harvests are developed which eliminate supplements.
  • Harvest turn additionally helps an assortment of common hunters to get by on the ranch.

2) Tillage:

  • Yearly culturing, compound preparation, and pesticide use reliably influence the populaces of worms.
  • At the point when culturing is kept away from, soil dampness content is expanded, increase the spread of nightcrawlers. Nightcrawlers are known to make the dirt permeable and enhance the dirt with their castings.
  • Seeds are dispersed and covered by straw prior to gathering the past yield. Seeds are developed by the appearance of the next ideal season.

3) Crop Residue Management:

  • The yield buildup is the material left after the collecting of the crop. Farmers have been consuming enormous amounts of harvest deposits, especially in zones with high return potential.
  • As the yield buildups may meddle with culturing and cultivating tasks for the following harvest, numerous ranchers like to consume the deposits left in the field that lead to the air contamination and wastage of supplements.

4) Seed Quality:

  • In ZBNF, Traditional Seeds are taken as planting material for next season crop, etc., to diminish the input cost of seeds.
  • Creepy crawly Pest Management in ZBNF.
  • Considering an adequate degree of vermin harm.
  • Urging savage valuable bugs to control bugs.
  • Cautious harvest choice, picking sickness-safe assortments.
  • Partner crops that debilitate or redirect bothers.
  • Yield pivot to various areas from year to year to interfere with bother multiplication cycles.
  • Creepy crawly traps to screen and control bug populaces.
  • Column covers to ensure crops during irritation movement periods.
  • Distinctive Asthras for a bug the executives.

Agniastra – This principally is the combination of Chili, Garlic, Neem, and cow and used to control the bugs (leaf roller, stem drill, natural product drill, case drill).

Bramhastra – Combination of a few locally accessible plants like Neem, Guava, Custard Apple, Pomegranate, and so on with cow pee and is utilized to shower over the leaves of the plant.

Neemastra – Combination of cow manure, pee, neem and so on Furthermore, utilized against leaf sucking creepy crawlies and coarse bugs.

Step by step instructions to Prepare Neemastra :

  1. Take 100 liter Water.
  2. Add 5-liter Local Cow Urine in it.
  3. Add 5 Kg Local Cow Dung in it.
  4. Pound 5 Kg of Neem Leaves, And add this Neem mash in this water.
  5. Let this answer mature for 24 Hrs.
  6. Mix this arrangement two times every day with any stick.
  7. Channel this by fabric.
  8. Splash this Neemastra for what it’s worth on the plants for sucking vermin and Mealy Bug. 


Reserve funds on the expense of seeds, manures, and plant insurance synthetic compounds have been generous. As a result of the persistent fuse of natural deposits and recharging of soil fruitfulness. Assists with keeping up the dirt wellbeing. The new arrangement of cultivating has free the ranchers from the obligation trap and it has ingrained in them a recharged feeling of certainty to make cultivating a monetarily reasonable endeavor.


Most frequent questions and answers

Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) is a bunch of cultivating techniques, and a grassroots laborer development, which has spread to different states in India.

Organic farming: still requires fundamental agro practices like plowing, tilling, manures mixing, weeding, etc. to be performed.


  1. Masumbuo

    Good for Young farmers like me in KENYA…

  2. Dhandayuthapani Dhayalan

    Very useful information and seeding Natural Farming thoughts in Educated and working professionals.

  3. Ugwah Oguejiofor Michael

    Thank you for this presentation. It’s a very interesting one and I believe it can help a lot of people.

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