Banana Farming/Cultivation

Banana Farming/Cultivation

Banana Farming

Banana is accepted to have begun in South-Eastern Asia with India as one of the focuses of beginning separated from Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia, and so forth Banana gives a reasonable eating routine than different natural products. Banana is made out of fundamentally water and carbs which give energy (104 Cal. Per 100 g.) It is plentiful in Minerals, Phosphorus and Calcium.

Banana positions first underway and second nearby among the natural products filled in India, representing the creation of 104 lakh tons yearly from a space of 4 lakh hectares. Its offer incomplete organic product creation is 32% from 12% region under natural products. The significant banana developing states are Maharashtra, Gujrat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam. Most ranchers were carried out Banana Farming as their essential cultivating.


Banana is rigorously a tropical plant, nonetheless, it is likewise filled in subtropical to moist environments. The ideal temperature needed for bananas is between 25 to 30°C, with upper and lower cutoff points of about 40° and 10°C individually. For the ideal development of the banana plant, the region ought to have month-to-month precipitation of 20-22 mm. disseminated equitably. Strom and solid breeze of 40 to 60 km/hr can make harmful leaves and wind speed of 95km/hr can cause total obliteration of banana manors.

Soil Requirement

Banana is developed effectively on a wide scope of soil and one anticipates a decent return. It very well may be developed on a wide range of soils with the exception of profound dark cotton and unadulterated sandy soils where little medicinal measures are to be taken. Since the banana crop is delicate to waterlogging, soil with great waste with a low water table meter ought to be chosen. A dirt pH of 5.5 to 8.0 is discovered to be ideal.

Plants Types

In Maharashtra, diverse banana assortments like Safed Velchi, Dwarf Cavendish, Robusta, Hanuman, Ardhapuri, Lalvelchi, Grand nain, Sindhurni, and Rajeli are developed.


The manure suggestion for Cavendish assortments is 200 g. N, 100 g. P 2O5 and 200 g. K2O/plant/crop. Nitrogen and Potash are to be applied in four equivalent split dosages at 30,75, 120, and 165 days in the wake of planting while that of phosphorus can be applied at the hour of planting. Natural Farming additionally assumes a significant part in Banana Farming.


A drip water system is an organization of lines through which water is provided to the plant. The trickle water system was utilized for banana manor which was additionally helpful in giving fluid supplements and showed better execution.

Fruiting and Covering

Banana packs develop in around 110 to 130 days in the wake of blooming. The developed bundles are covered with polythene packs to shield them from the sun.

Banana Cultivation Business

Banana Farming Business development requires explicit climatic conditions, soil, water system, fertigation, planting material, and post-reap advancements. By following the logical technique for the manor, the cultivator can deliver ideal and most desirable characteristics of returns and procure more benefits.

Banana is a harvest that can be developed consistently. This has the least growth time frame where the primary yield can be required in only 11 to a year from the time of relocating. A diminished incubation period significantly helps in accomplishing higher benefits. To accomplish a diminished incubation period, determination of legitimate planting material is required.

Banana Tissue Culture At Home

Tissue Culture Technique, you can do this at home. Here you’ll get the plantlets with the same features as a parental plant.

  • First, you have to choose the best variety of plants.
  • Turn that plant and dig carefully. Remove the soil as much as possible.
  • Then wash with water. Remove all the roots using a knife.
  • Next step you can saw small buds and we have to take that part out to propagate the plant. No need to take the cambium part of the calm.
  • You can get the butt, it will grow up into the plants.
  • The next step is to prepare for growing media. Should take 70% of the burnt rice husk and 30% normal soil or compost. Mix it up nicely. Spread it in growing plants.
  • Prepare the buds. At first, we have to sterilize the buds. Here you can use washing detergent for sterilization purposes.
  • Mix detergent with water, all the buds in that solution.
  • Finally, keep the buds in the growing tree. Cover the birds with growing media.

You have to water every day. Within a month all buds will grow up and after that, we can grow them outside. That’s it, in this way we can propagate banana plants easily. It was far better than the tissue culture technique. You can also do this at your home.

Banana Tissue Culture Step by Step Procedure


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